Making St. Louis Property Management Simple

dreamstime_xxl_37153257When you invest in real estate, it can quickly become a full-time ordeal. Whether you are collecting rent, trying to find tenants, dealing with problem tenants, trying to handle legal situations or understand the law, or are having a hard time keeping up with the maintenance and repairs on all your properties, hiring a property management company could be your ticket to a stress-free revenue stream. Our St. Louis property managers have years of experience in the industry, and we come to you as experts in our field, with the connections and understanding you need to make investing in real estate simple.

These are a few of the signs it may be time to hire a professional property manager.

1 – You feel overwhelmed

The first and tell tale sign that you need to hire a professional property manager is that you feel overwhelmed, stressed, or like you don’t have enough time on your hands. When you feel like you are drowning in tenant requests, paperwork, finding residents, and accounting, the best thing you can do for yourself, your tenants, and your properties is to call a property manager.

2 – You have more than one property

When you own more than one property, all of the finances and management issues can get out of hand quickly. In order to have happy tenants and make sure you are making the money you should, it is important to have an expert manage all of your properties. This way, nothing is overlooked and you have the peace of mind you deserve.

3 – You don’t live in St. Louis

If you don’t live in St. Louis but you have investment properties here, hiring a local property manager will help ensure that your property is well looked after, and that any issues that arise can be handled in person by a professional. You don’t have to waste your time researching the best contractors or fly out here every time a tenant needs you. Instead, you have an expert in the area to take care of it all.

4 – You seem to have a run of bad tenants

If your personal screening process is proving to be ineffective and you keep taking on tenants who don’t pay their rent, damage your property, or attempt to scam you out of money, it’s time to let the professionals step in with an in-depth screening process and the knowledge of tenant law to ensure you don’t get cheated out of your revenue.

5 – You don’t want to interact with tenants

We understand. Some people simply hate interacting with their tenants, which can quickly become a problem if you stop answering your phone or put off emails. Hiring a property management company will keep your tenants happy and give them a face and voice they can trust to take care of their needs.

6 – You have little knowledge of property law

When you are dealing with investment properties and tenants, it is absolutely essential that you have a thorough knowledge and understanding of property law, as well as tenant/landowner law. If you do not, or don’t have a property manager who does, you may be opening yourself up to liabilities and lawsuits that could cost you millions.

These six signs are just a few of the ways you can tell if you need to hire a property manager. If you fall into any of these categories, contact our St. Louis team today, and we’ll help you find a solution that works for everyone.